
We are going to take back our freedom.

Time to stand up for your family


loved ones!

You can chose to do Something or You can chose to do Nothing...

That is up to you!

Rules for thee - not for me!

Why a second lock-down? Why a third lock-down? Why a fourth lock-down? 

if it does not work by the second it will most likely not work in the third one either ... 

Infections are increasing...

Which is true ...

People die ... which is also true.

BUT - looking at the graphs, it is not entire true... First peak is higher than second peak...

28 Jan 2021

It has been a few days / weeks of trying to stay of social media for a while to re-group and re-charge mind and soul. 

It took a lot of energy trying to develop the blog and the website moving stuff around. It is far from ready. 

As the death rate numbers are getting lower in most countries, let us have a look at the various graphs. "Normal" governments would cheer but in this case, we already know that there are several agendas going on.

Never give a government too much power.

As numbers are going down, media is continuing its scare tactics talking about the third wave ... and it was not long ago we were in the second wave. Also, countries having its population in lock-downs want to continue the pressure on peoples freedom and ability to make money.

The Swedish green-commie party has now (again) mentioned the basic income program. Interesting enough is that the the article now mention the following "När coronakrisen tog fart uppmanade FN många länder att tillfälligt införa villkorslös basinkomst för att fattiga ska klara sig. Vilket många länder i olika former gjort. Snart kan det första landet ta steget fullt ut till permanent villkorslös basinkomst för alla."

short translation: When the corona crises increased the UN recommended many countries to temporary introduce unconditional basic income for poor people will make it. Many countries have then so done. Soon can the first country take the full step to a permanent unconditional basic income for all."

Which is part of the "leaked" document from Canada regarding the Great Reset...

Global commie style...

We all know that the virus is part of the short window of opportunity to introduce the great reset.

There are some countries with "not-yet-turning-down-curve":

UK is running a different show at the moment.

There are:

3,689,750 officially infected (UN data)

67,886,011 population (UN data)

100,162 total deaths (UN data)

66,422,967 tests (UN data)

  • 0,147% deaths of total population.
  • 5,55% infected of total tests.
  • 2,71% deaths of total infected.
  • 0,15% deaths of total tests.

3,715,054 offically infected (worldometers data)

1,673,936 offically recovered (worldometers data)

1,939,231 offically still active infected (worldometers data)

101,887 officially dead (worldometers data)

3961 in critical or serious condiation (worldometers data)

  • 45,05% recovered of all infected.
  • 0,2% in critical condition of all still active infected.

40% (1719 ) of all elderly (4239) who died in the same week, living in homes for elderly died with the corona virus during the second week of 2021.

  • How many of all elderly had received the vaccine?

18,042 people died in total during the second week of 2021.

7245 people were registered with covid-19 in the same week.

  • 80,99% (5868 of 7245) were in age 70+

  • 1595 of 90+
  • 1393 of 85-89 year olds
  • 1319 of 80-84 year olds
  • 948 of 75-79 year olds
  • 613 of 70-75 year olds
  • 425 of 65-69 year olds

  • 86,68% (6293 of 7245) were in age 65+

Age group 20-24 have 4 registered covid-19 deaths.

Age group 25-29 have 4 registered covid-19 deaths.

Age group 30-34 have 12 registered covid-19 deaths.

Age group 35-39 have 27 registered covid-19 deaths.

Age group 40-44 have 39 registered covid-19 deaths.

1,18% (86 people of 7245 total registered having covid-19 and having died during week 2, 2021).

0,00128% of total population aged below 45 years old died while being registered with covid-19.

Age group below 0-20 have none registered covid-19 death.

Why a lock-down if it is mainly pensioners and people in homes for elderly

who are dying with the corona virus?

22 Jan 2021

So, while we are waiting for the "planned" covid-21, we can quickly have a look at the vaccine and people dying "with", not "by" or is it"of" or, actually, the person died from old age, being frail and having several underlying diseases.

If the person had covid-19 when dying (before vaccine) then the person is marked up as having died with covid-19 ... or having died of covid-19.

but when it comes to the vaccine, the vaccine did not have anything with the whole thing to do.

In Israel, there is an interesting point: 12 400 people have received the vaccine BUT one week later also tested positive for covid-19. 

A Swedish professor then states (freely translated): "there is nothing strange with this. One does not have proper protection until the second shot. Besides, it is important to seperarate between being infected and being ill. This vaccine protects against the illness."

yeah ... of course ... but ... do not change the narrative just because the numbers do not match your arguments. It is just playing with words. 

99.8% globally becomes "in mild condition" ... and taking the vaccine twice only protects against the illness, not the inection which may be the "mild condition" ...

And, of course, governments supported by EU will come up with a vaccination "passport" as it is a smart way of "forcing" people to vaccinate regardless if they want or do not want to. 

- do you want to travel - vaccinate.

- do you want to buy grocery - vaccinate ...

If there patients with palliativ treatment, why give them vaccine?

A person who is frail, multiple diseases, live in a home for elderly, age 95, why vaccinate?

We see this type of cases in several countries. And, of course, all countries then specify that it has nothing to do with the vaccine despite getting a shot two hours before, one day before, or two days earlier.
Why not just leave the people alone and let their family members spend some time with them?

What happened to humanity?

One can understand why governments need a covid-21

because numbers are on its way down and people start waking up...

21 Jan 2021

If there are 2,090,161 people infected in a country in - since Feb - and there are 1,741,800 people officially recovered (about 83% of all officially infected) - and of 298,065 people officially "active" with 5074 people in critical condition...

Why a lock-down if there are 83 million people in the country?

  • Why voluntary destroy businesses, in particularly smaller businesses?
  • Why destroy peoples livelyhoods and also life?

Of the people, officially infected and still active (the 298,065), 292,991 people are officially having the mild condition.

  • 5074 people are in serious or critical condition.
  • 83 million is the total population.

In one of the graphs below, you can see the age group of people with infections and dying.

205 062 people infected in the age group 80+.

16% sadly died.

... but ...

this means that 84% did NOT die.

84% of 200 000 people is 168 000 people who survived the virus....

Can this actually be true?

Where are the graphs of all the people and age groups who actually survive?

  • 50 000 have died since February in this country which is a sad loss for all involved.
    We pray for their souls.

  • 20%, or about 10 000 of these were over 90 years old.
  • 45% or around 22 000 of these 50 000, were 80-89 years old.
  • Before statistics were removed, it turned out that 77 people were over 100 years old who had died of the virus which actually was more than all people below 40 who had died in the same country.
  • The life expectancy in the country is about 81 years old.
  • We can see in one of the graphs that the age group structure is weird. Age 35-59 is a huge difference in real life.

And, there are now cases of elderly like a 95 year old in a frail condition with underlying diseases in homes for elderly, who die shortly after receiving vaccination shots.

But - of course, as the person die from being frail, being old and having several underlying diseses ... the person did "not" die from the vaccine received two hours earlier, or the day before, or two days before. The person died from something else.

If the person had died in covid- when dying - it would be another notch on the bed post ...

In most countries researched, it is linked to hospitals being overloaded. OK - fair enough.

The issue is the level of government spending on hospitals, staff, recruiting, low salaries etc for decades. Sweden is on place 38 of 41 on OECDs list...

  • 900 million USD spent on testing by the Swedish government ...
  • 0 million USD in support or bonus to the staff on the floor.
  • 0 million USD in recruiting back staff that has quit. Some 12 000 staff have left the hospitals in the last five years.

Lock-down of a country where 90% of all people who have died, are actually not working any longer, and 65% are older than the life expectancy level.

And, do the numbers:

50 000 deceased of 83 million population = 0,06% of population.

A total numbers of 939 520 people died in 2019. 

  • 35.2% (331 211) of total died of heart- angina related diseases. 
  • 25,5% (239 591) of total died of various forms of tumors. 
  • 7,13% (67 021) of total died of respitatory diseases.
  • 6,15% (57 839) of total died of psychic problems.
  • 3,62% (34 000) died of nerve related diseases.


Germany, according to worldometers, show the following data per Jan 20, 2021:

2,096,531 people are officially infected.

84,05% or 1,762,200 people are officially marked as recovered.

283,780 people are officially active infected. 

98,296% are officially marked "in mild condition".

50 551 people have unfortunately died. We pray for their souls.

50 551 of 83,933,180 population = 0,0602% of population have died with Corona.

  • it would be fifth largest group of people dying based on 2019 deceased numbers with its 5,38% ... BUT ... we also know that huge percentages of the people who have died also have several underlying diseases and added to these, age.

SO - HOW MANY actually died JUST from covid-19?


18 Jan 2021

What happens when the company you work for - states that unless you take the vaccine, you will not be able to keep your job?

What happens if this is against your religious belief?

Or, if it necessary to vaccinated even if you already have had the corona virus?

16 Jan 2021

Swedish governmental body released an analysis today.Here is a quick translation of the text.

"Coviddöda kan ha avlidit av andra orsaker"

(Covid death can have died of other reasons)


TT Nyhetsbyrån

Äldre på särskilda boenden har drabbats särskilt hårt av pandemin, inte minst i Stockholm.

Regionens granskning visar däremot att i 8 procent av fallen var covid-19 inte den direkta orsaken till att personen avled.

Elderly in Homes for Elderly have been suffering in the pandemic, in particulary in Stockholm. The Region has reviewed data and it seems that 8 percent of all cases, covid-19, was not the direct reason for death.

Region Stockholm har tillsammans med övriga regioner fått kritik från Inspektionen för vård och omsorg (Ivo) för att ha misskött vården av covidsjuka på äldreboenden.

Under perioden mars-augusti förra året avled 1 089 personer över 70 år på särskilda boenden (säbo) i Stockholm där covid konstaterats.

The Region Stockholm and other regions have been receiving critics from IVO for misuse of health care of covid sick in Homes for Elderly.

Bidragande faktor

Contributing factor

I en egen granskning som regionen gjort kring dödsfall på säbo ser man att i 17 procent av fallen var covid-19 den huvudsakliga dödsorsaken. För den stora majoriteten, 75 procent, pekar man på att infektionen bidragit till att personen avled. Där har faktorer som ålder, skörhet och sjuklighet spelat in.

In a review performed by the Region surrounding death in säbo (special homes), it saw noticed that in 17% of cases of all deaths, covid-19 was the main reason for death. For the large majority, 75 percent, it is more linked to the infection was a contribution that the person died. Factors such as age, fraility and diseases played a role.

I övriga fall, 8 procent, bedömer man att annan sjukdom orsakat att personen avled. Totalt har 228 journaler gåtts igenom.

Regionen säger dock att man inte kan dra några säkra generella slutsatser än, då det finns brister i exempelvis journalanteckningar.

In all other cases, 8 percent, it is judged that another disease caused the reason why the person died. Totally, 228 patient journals have been reviewed.

Bredare analys

Broader analysis

"Vården vid särskilda boenden för äldre har varit omdiskuterade och nu finns en bredare analys och underlag för åtgärder", uppger chefsläkaren Johan Bratt i ett pressmeddelande.

Liknande genomgångar av dödsfall har gjorts i bland annat Östergötland. Där konstaterade man att i 15 procent av de granskade fallen bedömdes covid-19 ha varit den direkta dödsorsaken, i 70 procent bidrog det till att personen avled och för 15 procent bedömdes andra sjukdomar vara dödsorsaken.

The health care in Special homes for elderly have been discussed and there is now a broader analysis and a base for decision making according to chief medic doctor xxx in a press release.

There has been similar actions concerning deaths and corona, in the Östergötland Region. There, it was shown that in 15% of all deaths, covid-19 was the main reason of death. In 70 %, covid contributed to teh death and in 15 % other diseases seemed to the reason of death.

One of the State-controlled TV-channels presented this information today. It was also covered in other media.


12 Jan 2021

There is so much going on that we actually had to take some time off. 

But - just to ease our minds a little bit, we are going to run a few comparisons as we now also have a few graphs that we actually can compare with. 


All numbers are according to WHO.

Total population: 4,937,786

Total deaths (Jan 12 2021): 2344 people.

Total infected since Feb 2020: 152,539 people.

Total deaths with Covid-19 of population: 2344/4937786 = 0,0474%

Total deaths of total infected (since Feb 2020): 2344 / 152539 = 1,536%

Total deaths in Ireland per year: ca 30,000

Total deaths in Ireland per month: ca 2500 people per month.

Comment: Ireland and its corona related deaths has not yet reached one "normal" months of deaths (all causes) per median (2015-2019). 

Both graphs are infection per million population. The above graph is dated Jan 12. The below graph is dated Jan 3.It is unfortunate that the graph changes its parameters. 

Ireland ought to be happy with such numbers even though there is a high level of infected people. 3% of its population have officially been infected. Then I am sure that there are more people who have had it. 

Worldometers data looks like the following:

Total population: 4,967,000

Total deaths (Jan 12 2021): 2397 people.

Total infected since Feb 2020: 155,591 people.

Total deaths with Covid-19 of population: 2397/4967000 = 0,0482%

Total deaths of total infected (since Feb 2020): 2397 / 155591 = 1,54%

Total recovered: 23 364 people.

Total active cases: 129,830

Total active in critical condition: 158

Total deaths in Ireland per year: ca 30,000

Total deaths in Ireland per month: ca 2500 people per month.


Comment: We can see this in many countries and it is a shame that it is not better registered. 

15% of the Irish are supposed to be, officially, recovered ... since February 2020.

With a high level of testing, you get a higher level of people who show infection, but many of these are mild and therefore do not come to the hospital. But, they are all registered but not de-registered.

Are we to believe that of total infected people (155,591) since February 2020, only 23,364 people are recovered. 

This then mean that people actually should take a test to show that they no longer are infected, and make sure each person is "de-registered" to get the recovery rate much higher.

Ireland is in its second lock-down and it shows that lock-downs do not work when it comes to lowering the infections. It destroys the economy and pupils and people.

In 2019, there were 6666 abortions in Ireland according to Irish Central.

This is what the Irish government writes about the virus:

"Experience of COVID-19 varies from person-to-person. Some people experience very mild symptoms and may not even realise that they have COVID-19. Other people will become very ill and experience severe symptoms. This can lead to hospitalisation or a stay in an intensive care unit (ICU). Sadly, some people die from COVID-19 infection."

Worldometers global data: 

Total Infected: 91,914,536 people

Total Deaths: 1,967,283 people

Total Recovered: 65,690,147 people.

Total Critical condition: 109,665

Total Active infected: 24,257,106

1,16% of global population (7.9 billion) have been infected since February 2020.

0,0249% total Deaths (1,967,283) of global population (7,9 billion).

71,46% of total infected are officially recovered/sign out of hospital. 

99,54% (24,147,441 people of 24,257,106 currently infected, are officially having a mild corona.

2,14% of all officially infected people, globally, have died with the corona virus.

90% of all covid-19 deaths recorded in Ireland are in the 65+ age group.

Figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) have revealed that 90% of recorded COVID-19 deaths in Ireland are in the 65+ age group.

Data from Dec 11, 2020 shows:

"The percentage of cases in the 65-79 and 80+ age categories has been increasing in recent weeks, these age groups made up 10% of cases in the week ending 11 December up from less than 5% in week ending 10 August"

  • The average ICU rate in September, October and November was five or less per 1,000 confirmed cases, down from a peak of 28 per 1,000 in March

Median age and death is 83 years old.

93% of all deaths in Ireland are among people older than 65 years old. This statistics is similar to most countries. The 90% level may be Age 70+ in Sweden or 55+ in the US. 65+ are many EUR-countries.

Then comes the normal question about the underlying conditions, which exist in all other countries. 

  • Heart- and angina diseases
  • High Blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Lung diseases

Cancer and Dementia/Alzheimer are not added as underlying diseases.

95% of all deaths in Ireland, have underlying diseases. 

3% did not have it. It may just have been age.

"258 deaths cited as probable deaths linked to the virus."

"There were 1,617 deaths of people with underlying conditions in the over 65 age group.

Of the 131 deaths in the 25-64 age group, 121 had underlying conditions."

"chronic heart disease was present in 44% of deaths."

78% had more than 3 underlying diseases.

73% had 2 underlying diseases.

64% had diabetes.

One can wonder why Ireland has a tight lock-down when the numbers are quite clear. 

  • The important question must be how to make sure people are fit and eat right.
  • Put a very high tax on candy, sugar drinks and make sure that people exercise.

9 Jan 2021

Free speech ...


corporation power.

Johannes Gutenberg 1445 "invention" gave the opportunity to print books instead handwrite books. Process to communicate was tremendously faster ...

Printing texts gave the opportunity to quickly transfer a message in many directions.

The one who controls the message is the one who controls people. And, when a country is attacked by enemies, one of the first things to cut and to secure is the platforms for bringing out messages to the people.

Todays world is interesting when it comes to free speech and the control of information.

- Public listed companies, its platforms and artificiell intelligence -


- share price, shareholder pressure, and shareholder interests.

8 Jan 2021

"The FBI has shared a photo of the person responsible for placing the suspected explosive devices outside the Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee Wednesday, prior to the U.S. Capitol protests."

7 Jan 2021

Weirdest of days ...

Epiphany ... a wonderful day. Great evening the day before!

and then ... people smashing door/windows and cops opening doors for people to entering Capitol.

I wrote to one of my friends in the US that I will actually try to avoid writing about this event. Simply, because there are too many weird things. And, linking it with the corona virus and its 99.898% mild corona but lock-down countries as well as great reset and build back better bollocks.

Jan 1 2021

Fresh ONS of UK numbers dated 12 december (last version by todays date). We can see which age group that dies and we can see the "new fresh deadly future Covid-21" increase... Why shut down a country instead of protecting the people at risk?

According to the "leaked" document, Covid-21 comes into play in January and February of 2021. 

Here below are two graphs (same but divided) of weekly deaths registered in England according to ONS of the UK.

  • The first starts with the total deaths all ages at week 12.
  • The second starts at week 38.

Look at the death toll at week 15, 16, 17 and 18 and compare with the "beginning of covid-21" around week 49, 50 and 51. 

Week 15, 16, 17 and 18

18 516,  22 351,  21 997 and 17 953 total deaths in England. 

Look at row 19 which gives the Covid-21 number for the same weeks: 6213, 8758, 6035, 3930.

Then look at the week 48, 49, 50 and 51:

12 456, 12 303, 12 292 and 13 011 people.

Compare with the same week "row 19" figure: 3040, 2835, 2756 and 2986. 

The weekly total death numbers are half of the peak in April and May but 2-3 times lower regarding the Covid-19. (8758 vs 3040). 

And - UK has shut down the country three times.

UK has (worldometers) 74 125 death of 68,064,964 population = 0,109%

We can see the increase of death in England which is part of the "second wave" but you also see how many people that actually die every week in England. 9523 people who died in total in Week 38 are NOT all Covid-19 related. The weekly Corona virus death"where Covid-19 was mentioned on the death certificate"  was 139.

Deaths (953) are deaths where the underlying cause was respiratory diseases ... which does not mean it must be Corona. Most likely, but there are only 139 deaths with the Covid-19 on the death certificate.

AND - this is one of the key issues. What is the Truth? Who tells the Truth?

Even Klaus Schwab of the Economic Forum, who sees the Great Reset opportunity using the virus to implement his communistic ideas does not believe in his book that the virus is that bad:

Covid-19 hs killed less than 0,006% of the world population when he wrote the book called Covid-19 and the Great Reset. 

1.9 million people globally have died

of a population of 7.9 Billion = 0,024% of world population.

And, here is the thing; IF the virus would be as lethal and dangerous as painted, we would not need any lock-downs simply because people would lock themselves down.

If there are piles of people laying on the street - I am not going outside.

If the death toll in Sweden would be 300 000 people instead of 7800 since FEB.

- I would be rather worried - 

Who speaks the TRUTH?

Part of the "leaked document" 

France and a second lock-down and talking about entering a third lock-down.

According to the French gov's own website ( we have:

  • 2 550 864 offically infected people.
  • 43 378 deaths registered in the hospitals.
  • 19 195 deaths registered in homes for eldery (EHPAD/EMS) which is 31% of corona related deaths in France.
  • 140 766 people infected lived in homes for elderly or similar.

Age of deceased in France:

  • 93% are 65 years or older ......
  • 78% of all deaths are 75 years or older.

In Germany : 77 people older than 100 years have died which is more than all germans having died younger than 40 years old.

Not yet lock-down but politically restricted Sweden:

  • 90% of all deaths are older than 70 years old.
  • 80% are older than 80 years old.
  • 68% had multiple diseases.

Speaking of diseases. of course I found a chart:

  • 35%of deceased had something heart related.
  • 23% had angina related (which is total 58% combined).
  • 16% had diabetes which is quite lower than the standard 25-27%.

Well - skip the lock-downs and move the money you save from not entering a lock-down into the hospitals and hospital staff.

Start building special units buildings for ICU and infections.

Pitch in 10 k USD to existing staff and have a sign-on bonus for old staff coming back to offload the current staff.

  • If the estimated WHO number early 2020 (3.4% of the population which in Sweden would be some 300,000 people) the society would shut down automatically.
  • Now, we see about 7800 and 0,075% of the population.

France 0,09% and having done 2 lock-downs vs Sweden 0,075% and not really a hard-core lock-down.

Numbers estimated is loosing 200 billion SEK (20 billion USD) if we enter a lock-down.

Germany apparently has lost 212 billion EUR because of the pandemic which is a lot of money.

  • 182 people have apparently died in San Francisco related to Covid-19.
  • 621 people have died from drug over-dose in San Fran in 2020.
  • 441 people died last year from drug over-doses in San Fran in 2019.


Two charts per country:

  • First section is grouped in actual numbers.
  • Second section is grouped in Millions.

Countries presented in MILLIONS actual numbers of total deaths and number of cases.

This ought to match each country in clear comparison.

All Data arrives from WHO and dated December 2020. CASES does not equal DEATH.

Countries are sorted from U-A.